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Air purifiers

Cleaning the air you breathe is a really great idea. Having good filtration:

  • Reduces the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases.
  • Keeps you safe from lung damage due to wildfire smoke, if your area is affected by this.
  • Helps with allergies.

Buying a filter

DIY-ing a filter

Corsi-Rosenthal Box (Do this!)

“Clean Air Crew” has an awesome page on how to build and use Corsi-Rosenthal boxes. I highly recommend that you build one of these!

Here are some other links about CR Boxes:

Not-as-good DIY version with a single filter

Here’s what I did during 2020, before I’d come across the CR Box design— if I had to DIY it again, I’d just make a CR Box! Right now I have one I bought and I run it in my bedroom to help with dust allergies. The main difference between my DIY attempt and a CR Box is that I just use a single filter here, whereas a CR Box is a cube with 4-5 sides that are filters, and the remaining side is a box fan. That results in way higher air flow, which is basically the most important metric in determining the efficacy of a filter.

  • I ended up going over to Home Depot and buying:
    • 20” Box fan ($20) link
    • 20” x 20” x 1” HVAC Air filter ($20) link
    • And a roll of duct tape
  • Then I taped the filter over the front of the fan very carefully. You need to make sure it’s really airtight all around; Because the fan’s corners are rounded and the filters’ corners aren’t, I went over the fan corners first, leaving a gap near the fan body, then came back and did another layer of tape on each corner to seal it well.
  • I added a fan shroud on the back with just duct tape.

Discussion of air purifiers, how to use them, what you should care about, etc.